Jesse Jenkins on what it means to "electrify everything"

Jesse Jenkins

Jesse Jenkins, assistant professor of mechanical an aerospace engineering and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, has a piece in Mother Jones on "What 'Electrifying Everything' Actually Looks Like":

For the first time in in history, the full financial weight of the United States federal government is aligned behind an epic transition to clean energy. A trio of energy, infrastructure, and science laws passed by the last Congress will deploy more than half a trillion dollars of public funding over the next decade to wean us off fossil fuels and make greener alternatives cheap and ubiquitous.

Uncle Sam will pick up a huge chunk of the tab for energy sources like wind and solar, and cleaner consumer choices like electric vehicles and heat pumps. Thanks to these new laws, which will also unlock hundreds of billions in private investment in clean energy, it’ll simply be the smarter financial decision to choose clean over dirty in the countless decisions made by millions of households and businesses. With the thumb firmly on the clean side of the scale, the fight against climate change in America has fundamentally changed.

And yet the work is just getting started.

Read the full article
