Sili Deng delivering her presentation at the Spring Technical Meetings of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute at the University of Georgia. Photo by Jacqueline O'Connor
The Combustion Institute has awarded Sili Deng the Irvin Glassman Young Investigator Award. Deng completed her doctoral degree at Princeton in 2016.
Deng is the Class of 1954 Career Development Professor in the department of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her graduate work at Princeton was jointly advised by Chung K. Law, the Robert H. Goddard Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Michael E. Mueller, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and associate chair of the department.
The Glassman award is given to an early career researcher who has made outstanding contributions to combustion science and technology. The award is named in honor of the late Irvin Glassman, an expert on combustion and propulsion who served on the Princeton faculty for nearly half a century.
As part of the award, Deng delivered the seventh annual Glassman Young Investigator Lecture at the 2024 Spring Technical Meetings of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute at the University of Georgia. The lecture, entitled “Advancing Kinetic Modeling with Scientific Machine Learning”, showcased several techniques leveraging machine learning that Deng has developed for applications in broader combustion science as well as biofuel production and lithium-ion battery fires.