Robert Stengel

Research Areas
Short Bio
Robert Stengel has received the AIAA Mechanics and Control of Flight Award, the AIAA G. Edward Pendray Aerospace Literature Award, and the John R. Ragazzini Education Award of the American Automatic Control Council. He is a co-recipient of the FAA's first Excellence in Aviation Award. He is a Life Fellow of both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Dr. Stengel received the S.B. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from M.I.T. and M.S.E., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences from Princeton University.
Stengel's current research focuses on flight dynamics and control, space system design, robotics, and intelligent systems. He is the author of books on optimal control and flight dynamics. As director of Princeton's Flight Research Laboratory, Stengel, his students, and staff conducted pioneering experimental research on digital flight control systems, flight computer networking via fiber optics, aircraft flying qualities, and aerodynamic system identification. While serving as the Engineering School's Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, he initiated new programs of graduate study and undergraduate computer education, and he developed an innovative approach to teaching engineering freshman seminars.
Prior to joining the Princeton faculty in 1977, Dr. Stengel was with The Analytic Sciences Corporation, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, US Air Force, and NASA. At the Draper Laboratory, he was principal designer of the Apollo Project Lunar Module manual control logic used for all moon landings. He created a preliminary design for the Space Shuttle atmospheric flight control system. His work at TASC included modeling of pilot/aircraft interactions, fuel-optimal flight of jet transports, digital control of high-performance aircraft and helicopters, and submarine dynamics and control. While serving as an Air Force lieutenant, he was a range safety officer at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility.
Selected Publications
Dynamics of a Cytokine Storm, PLOS ONE, Vol. 7, No. 10, e45027, Oct 2012, pp. 1-15 (with H. Yiu and A. Grahamm).
Mutation and Control of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 213, No. 2, June 2008, pp. 93-102.
The Signatures of Autozygosity Among Patients with Colorectal Cancer, Cancer Research, Vol. 68, No. 8, Apr 15, 2008, pp. 2610-2621 (with M. Bacolod, G. Schemmann, S. Wang, R. Shattock, S. Giardina, Z. Zeng, J. Shia, N. Gerry, J. Hoh, T. Kirchoff, B. Gold,
Relationship of Gene Expression and Chromosomal Abnormalities in Colorectal Cancer (pdf), Cancer Research, Vol. 66, No. 4, 2006, pp. 2129-2137 (with D. Tsafrir, M. Bacalod, Z. Selvanayagam, I. Tsafrir, J. Shia, Z. Zeng, H. Liu, C. Krier, F. Barany, W. Ger
Probabilistic Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Dynamic Systems (pdf), in Probabilistic and Randomized Methods for Design under Uncertainty, G. Calafiore and F. Dabbene, ed., Springer, New York, 2006, pp. 381-414 (with Q. Wang).