Richard Miles

Research Areas
Short Bio
Research has focused on hypersonics and advanced laser diagnostics with particular attention to the interaction of lasers, microwaves and electron beams with fluids for energy transfer and flow control. The research program includes the development of new plasma and magnetohydrodynamic processes for hypersonic applications, new sources and detection technologies, and the application of these technologies through linear and nonlinear optical interactions to characterize gas mixtures, plasmas and flow phenomena.
Principal Research Efforts
- Plasma aerodynamic control of high-speed vehicles
- MHD and plasma enhanced hypersonic air breathing vehicles
- Imaging of velocity, temperature, density, and species by Rayleigh and Raman scattering and by flow tagging
- Development of new laser sources for spectroscopy and imaging
- High sensitivity detection for combustion, pollution and homeland defense.
Selected Publications
Michael, J, Chng, TL, Miles, RB, “Sustained propagation of ultra-lean methane/air flames with pulsed microwave energy deposition” COMBUSTION AND FLAME Volume: 160 Issue: 4 Pages: 796-807 DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2012.12.006 Published: APR 2013
Dogariu, Arthur; Shneider, Mikhail N.; Miles, Richard B., “Versatile radar measurement of the electron loss rate in air,” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 103 Issue: 22 Article Number: 224102 Published: NOV 25 2013
Christopher M. Limbach, Luigi Martinelli, and Richard B. Miles. "Adjoint Optimization of Volumetric Sources in Steady, Supersonic Flow: Energy Addition", AIAA Journal, Vol. 51, No. 10 (2013), pp. 2465-2473.
J. Michael, T.L. Chng, R.B. Miles “Sustained propagation of ultra-lean methane/air flames with pulsed microwave energy deposition”, Combustion and Flame, Volume: 160 Issue: 4 Pages: 796-807 Published: APR 2013
M. N. Shneider and R.B. Miles.,“Coherent Microwave Radiation from a Laser Induced Plasma,” Applied Physics Letters 101, 264105 (2012) (published on-line Dec 27, 2012)