
William Scott

William Scott


D309#7 EQuad

Short Bio

Will Scott is a member of the Dynamical Control Systems Laboratory, advised by Professor Naomi Leonard. He studies coordinated control in multi-agent systems with an emphasis on pursuit and evasion, in particular looking how heterogeneity among individuals in a group of evaders can influence their risk of capture by a pursuer.

Overall, Will aims to use insights gained through observations of animal behavior to inform the design of new algorithms for robotic systems. His research incorporates both theoretical modeling and field experiments, including collaborations with the National Geographic Society on the "Crittercam" system for animal-borne sensor networks, and with Princeton EEB Professor Dan Rubenstein on the "Robo-lion" project, where they used a remote controlled artificial predator to study evasive reactions of plains zebras in Kenya.

Will received his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Delaware in 2011, and his Master of Arts in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Princeton University in 2013. While at Princeton Will has been the recipient of the Phillips Second Year Fellowship and the Crocco Award for Teaching Excellence.