Sébastien Philippe

Short Bio
Sébastien Philippe is a member of the Nuclear Futures Laboratory (Prof. Alex Glaser) and affiliated with the University’s program on Science and Global Security (based at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs). His research focuses on technological innovation in the field of nuclear weapons non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. Sébastien currently work on the experimental proof of concept of a zero-knowledge nuclear warhead verification system proposed in 2014 by Glaser, Barak and Goldston. His broader interests include nuclear governance (both civilian and military) as well as energy economics and innovation. Before joining Princeton, Sébastien worked for two years within the French Ministry of Defense. He received a M.Sc. in Mechanical and Design Engineering from the French National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA, Lyon) in 2010 and a B.A.I. from Trinity College Dublin in 2009 as part of a joint European degree program.