The Graduate Engineering Council and Undergraduate Engineering Council proudly present:
The Excellence in Teaching Awards for the School of Engineering and Applied Science
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Friend Center Convocation Room
12:30 pm - 1:30pm
E-Council/GEC Excellence in Teaching Awards for courses taught in Spring 2016 and Fall 2016.
The honorees are:
Spring 2016
Dr. Hansheng Diao (MAT 202)
Professor Han Liu (ORF 350)
Professor Arvind Narayanan (COS 226)
Professor Jason R. Petta (PHY 104)
Clayton Byers (MAE 222)
Akanksha Thawani (CBE 246)
Hossein Valavi (ELE 203)
Ziwei Zhu (ORF 350)
Fall 2016
Professor Craig B. Arnold (MAE 324)
Professor Mark P. Brynildsen (CBE 341)
Professor Andrew A. Houck (ELE 396)
Dr. Christopher Moretti (COS 326)
Dr. Iasonas Petras (COS 217)
Professor Clarence W. Rowley III (MAE 433)
Dr. Christine J. Taylor (EGR 192)
Wen Kang Chou (CBE 341)