Event Date/Time
EQuad J Wing
J223 (or Zoom https://princeton.zoom.us/j/95821985099)
J223 (or Zoom https://princeton.zoom.us/j/95821985099)
Series/Event Type
MAE Departmental Seminars
- Motivations, advantages and drawbacks of High-Speed Airbreathing Propulsion
- International Scenario for Hypersonic Vehicles and survey of Non-EU projects (X-15, X-43A, X-51A, LEA, 14-X, JAXA, SR-72, HTB)
- International Scenario for Hypersonic Vehicles and survey of EU projects (LAPCAT-II A2 and MR2.4, HEXAFLY EFTV, STRATOFLY MR3)
- The HEXAFLY-INT Project (EFTV unpropelled)
Speaker Bio
Marco Marini received his Laurea degree in Aeronautical Engineering and Ph.D in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, respectively in 1990 and 1994. He joined CIRA in 1994, first in the Aerothermodynamics Lab. (1994-2009), then as the Head of Applications and Experimentation in Aerospace Propulsion and Reacting Flows unit (2009-2010) and Head of Combustion Unit in Propulsion Division (2011-2014). Between 2015 to 2020 he was part of the Space Integration Technology Division, and since November 2021 he is the Head of Access to Space and High-Speed Vehicles unit. He has had the technical coordination and the project engineering/project management of various national and international projects in the fields of aerothermodynamics and propulsion. He is author or co-author of about 150 publications and reviewer of several international journals.

Dr. Marco Marini