Dynamic Instabilities in microbial mats: fingerprints from early life forms

Event Date/Time


Bowen Hall
Room 222

Series/Event Type

Kinneyia are a class of microbially mediated sedimentary fossils. Characterized by clearly defined ripple structures, Kinneyia are generally found in areas that were formally littoral habitats and covered by microbial mats. To date, there has been no conclusive explanation of the processes involved in the formation of these fossils. Microbial mats behave like viscoelastic fluids. We propose that the key mechanism involved in the formation of Kinneyia is a Kelvin–Helmholtz-type instability induced in a viscoelastic film under flowing water. A ripple corrugation is spontaneously induced in the film and grows in amplitude over time. Theoretical predictions show that the ripple instability has a wavelength proportional to the thickness of the film. Experiments carried out using viscoelastic films confirm this prediction. The ripple pattern that forms has a wavelength roughly three times the thickness of the film. This behaviour is independent of the viscosity of the film and the flow conditions. Laboratory-analogue Kinneyia were formed via the sedimentation of glass beads, which preferentially deposit in the troughs of the ripples. Well-ordered patterns form, with both honeycomb-like and parallel ridges being observed, depending on the flow speed. These patterns correspond well with those found in Kinneyia, with similar morphologies, wavelengths and amplitudes being observed.    

Speaker Bio

Dr. Stephan Herminghaus received a PhD in Physics from the University of Mainz in 1989. His postdoctoral stay was at the IBM Research Center in San Jose, California (USA), in 1990 . He completed his habilitation at the University of Konstanz in 1994 and was the head of an independent research group at the MPI for Colloids and Interfaces, Berlin, from 1996 until 1999. He then became a full professor at the University of Ulm from 1999 until 2003. Since 2003, he has been a director at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen. Since 2005, he has an additional appointment as an adjunct professor at the University of Göttingen. Further, he was appointed as Professeur Invité at Université Paris VI for the winter term 2006/7.